Case History: Zook, Jr., Robert Peter
Indictment #1700-1985
Page last updated at Sep 18 2024 04:00 PM
Date Court Docket # Event Description
08/28/2009 U.S. EDPA 06-CV-2250-JCJ Disposition of Certificate of Appealability Details
05/30/2006 U.S. EDPA 06-CV-2250-BWK Petition For Habeas Corpus Details
11/28/2005 PA Supreme Court 293 CAP Opinion Affirmed in Part & Reversed in Part . Remanded for new penalty hearing. Details
02/22/2000 PA Supreme Court 293CAD Notice of Appeal from the Order entered on 11/18/99, docketed. Details
06/17/1992 PA Supreme Court 0012 EAP 1990 Opinion Sustain convictions of first degree murder and affirm the sentence of death. McDermott, J. Details
01/26/1990 PA Supreme Court 0012 EAP 1990 Notice of Appeal from the Judgment of Sentence entered 01/12/90 and 01/13/90 Details
04/13/1989 PA Supreme Court 0037EAP87 Order Regarding Motion for Reargument denied. Details
02/16/1989 PA Supreme Court 0037EAP87 Motion for Reargument (appellee's), filed. Details
02/02/1989 PA Supreme Court 0037EAP87 Opinion Appellant's request for a new trial is granted. Details
03/25/1987 PA Supreme Court 0037EAP87 Notice of Appeal from the judgment of sentence entered 02/19/87, docketed. Details