Case History: Thomas, Brian
Indictment #2721 Aug. 1985
Page last updated at Jul 27 2024 12:00 AM
Date Court Docket # Event Description
01/07/2013 U.S. EDPA 00CV803CMR Order/Opinion Regarding Petition for Habeas Corpus Order of 12/20/11 is modified toextend the deadline until 7/2/13. Details
07/03/2012 U.S. EDPA 00CV803CMR Order that the Commonwealth may initiate a new capital sentencing proceeding in connection with Petitioner's first degree murder conviction no later than 9/14/12, etc. Details
12/20/2011 U.S. EDPA 00CV803 Order/Opinion Regarding Petition for Habeas Corpus that application for writ is conditionally granted as uncontested as to petitioner's sentence of death in No. CP-51-CR-082716-1985. Commonwealth may initiate a new capital sentencing proceeding within 180 days. Details
10/12/2007 PA Supreme Court 552 CAP Notice of Appeal fron the Order entered on 04/26/2007, docketed. Details
09/29/2005 U.S. 3rd Cir. Ct. of Appeals 05-9006 Order/Opinion on Certificate of Appealability received from District Court. Details
09/26/2005 U.S. 3rd Cir. Ct. of Appeals 05-9008 Civil Case Docketed Notice of appeal filed by Martin Horn, Donald Vaughn, Joseph Mazurkiewicz & DA Philadelphia. Details
09/15/2005 U.S. 3rd Cir. Ct. of Appeals 05-9006 Order remanding case to District Court. Details
09/15/2005 U.S. 3rd Cir. Ct. of Appeals 05-9006 Civil Case Docketed Notice of appeal filed by Brian Thomas. Details
08/19/2005 U.S. EDPA 00CV803 Order/Opinion on Motion to Vacate Sentence is Granted in part and denied in part. The sentence of death is vacated, etc. Details
11/28/2000 U.S. EDPA 00CV803 Petition For Habeas Corpus Details
03/03/2000 PA Supreme Court 142CAD Disposition of Motion Regarding Reargument Denied reargument. Details
02/16/2000 U.S. EDPA 00CV803 Order Regarding Stay of Execution Details
02/14/2000 U.S. EDPA 00CV803 Motion for Stay of Execution Details
02/01/2000 PA Supreme Court 142CAD Motion for Reargument filed. Details
01/18/2000 PA Supreme Court 142CAD Opinion Order affirmed. Details
04/01/1996 PA Supreme Court 0142 CAD Notice of Appeal from the Order entered on 04/01/96 , docketed. Details
08/21/1989 PA Supreme Court 106EAP86 Dispositon of Motion for Reconsideration denied. Details
07/11/1989 PA Supreme Court 106EAP86 Motion for Reargument filed. Details
06/27/1989 PA Supreme Court 106EAP86 Opinion Affirmed Judgment of Sentence. By: Papadakos, J. Details
09/08/1986 PA Supreme Court 106EAP86 Notice of Appeal from the Judgment of Sentence entered on 08/07/86, docketed. Details