Case History: Speight, Melvin
Indictment #92-10-3627 1/3
Page last updated at Jul 27 2024 12:00 AM
Date Court Docket # Event Description
03/02/2011 U.S. EDPA 04-cv-4110 Petition For Habeas Corpus Amended Details
06/07/2010 U.S. EDPA 04-cv-4110 Order that upon petitioner's notice of conclusion of state proceedings and request to reactivate habeas proceedings this case is reactivaed. Details
10/12/2007 PA Supreme Court 551 CAP Notice of Appeal fron the Order entered on 04/26/2007, docketed. Details
07/01/2005 U.S. EDPA 04-cv-4110 Petition For Habeas Corpus Details
08/31/2004 U.S. EDPA 04-cv-4110 Order Regarding Stay of Execution Granting motion for stay of execution, granting in forma pauperis status, and appointing counsel. Details
08/30/2004 U.S. EDPA 04-cv-4110 Motion for Stay of Execution Details
07/22/2004 PA Supreme Court 330 CAP Opinion PCRA order affirmed. Details
02/13/2001 PA Supreme Court 330 CAP Notice of Appeal from the Order entered on 02/07/2001, docketed. Details
02/08/2001 Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas 92-10-3627 1/3 Notice of Appeal Details
02/07/2001 Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas 92-10-3627 1/3 Disposition of Collateral Petition Details
03/31/1997 Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas 92-10-3627 1/3 Collateral Petition Details
09/23/1996 PA Supreme Court 0058 CAD Order Regarding Stay of Execution Granted Details
09/11/1996 PA Supreme Court 0058 CAD Motion for Stay of Execution Details
08/02/1996 PA Supreme Court 0058 CAD Motion for Extension of Time to File Certiorari Granted until 10/17/96 by the U.S.S.C. Details
05/20/1996 PA Supreme Court 0058 CAD Opinion Affirmed Details
03/23/1994 PA Supreme Court 0058 CAD Notice of Appeal Judgment of Sentence entered on 02/24/94 at Nos. 3627 & 3632 Details
02/24/1994 Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas 92-10-3627 1/3 Imposition of Capital Sentence Details