Case History: Fahy, Henry P.
Indictment #CP 8102-2284 1/1
Page last updated at Jul 27 2024 12:00 AM
Date Court Docket # Event Description
01/14/2015 U.S. 3rd Cir. Ct. of Appeals 14-9004 Civil Case Docketed Details
10/07/2014 U.S. 3rd Cir. Ct. of Appeals 14-9004 Civil Case Docketed Details
08/26/2014 U.S. EDPA 97cv2846 Order/Opinion Regarding Petition for Habeas Corpus Petition is Granted and Writ of Habeas Corpus is stayed for 180 days from the date of this order. Details
02/15/2008 U.S. 3rd Cir. Ct. of Appeals 03-9008, 03-9009 Other Mandate issued. Details
01/24/2008 U.S. 3rd Cir. Ct. of Appeals 03-9008, 03-9009 Opinion and Judgment entered. Details
10/12/2007 PA Supreme Court 549 CAP Notice of Appeal from the Order entered on 04/26/2007, docketed. Details
09/08/2004 U.S. 3rd Cir. Ct. of Appeals 03-9008, 03-9009 Order entered lifting stay. Details
01/14/2004 U.S. 3rd Cir. Ct. of Appeals 03-9008, 03-9009 Order entered staying appeals pending U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Banks v. Horn. Details
09/30/2003 U.S. 3rd Cir. Ct. of Appeals 03-9009 Civil Case Docketed Notice of Appeal filed by Henry Fahy. Details
09/30/2003 U.S. 3rd Cir. Ct. of Appeals 03-9008 Civil Case Docketed Notice of Appeal filed by Martin Horn, Conner Blaine & Joseph Mazurkiewicz. Details
10/03/2001 U.S. Supreme Court 01-17 Order/Opinion Regarding Disposition of Petition for Certiorari Denying petition for writ of certiorari. Details
07/09/2001 U.S. Supreme Court 01-17 Petition for Certiorari Filed by Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Details
03/27/2001 U.S. 3rd Cir. Ct. of Appeals 99-9007 Order/Opinion on Petition for Rehearing En Banc Denying rehearing en banc. Details
02/23/2001 U.S. 3rd Cir. Ct. of Appeals 99-9007 Petition for Rehearing En Banc Filed by appellants. Details
02/09/2001 U.S. 3rd Cir. Ct. of Appeals 99-9007 Order/Opinion Affirming the judgment of the district court on equitable grounds but not on statutory tolling grounds. Details
12/17/1999 U.S. 3rd Cir. Ct. of Appeals 99-9007 Civil Case Docketed Notice of Appeal filed on behalf of Martin Horn, et al. Details
10/14/1999 U.S. EDPA 97cv2846 Order Regarding Stay of Execution Stay of execution granted. Warrant stayed for 120 days. Details
10/13/1999 U.S. EDPA 97CV2846 Petition For Habeas Corpus Details
10/13/1999 U.S. EDPA 97CV2846 Motion for Stay of Execution Details
10/04/1999 PA Supreme Court 215CAD Disposition of Motion Regarding Reargument Denied Reargument. Details
09/13/1999 PA Supreme Court 215CAD Motion for Stay of Execution filed. Details
09/13/1999 PA Supreme Court 215CAD Motion for Reargument filed. Details
08/27/1999 PA Supreme Court 215CAD Opinion Order Affirmed. Details
01/29/1998 PA Supreme Court 215CAD Notice of Appeal from the Order entered on 12/29/97, docketed. Details
01/23/1998 Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas CP 8102-2283 1/1 Notice of Appeal Details
12/02/1997 PA Supreme Court 0126 CAD Order Regarding Motion for Reargument Denied Details
09/26/1997 PA Supreme Court 0126 CAD Motion for Reargument Filed Details
09/17/1997 PA Supreme Court 0126 CAD Opinion Appeal dismissed Details
11/22/1995 PA Supreme Court 0126 CAD Notice of Appeal from the Order entered on 10/25/95, docketed Details
07/01/1994 PA Supreme Court 0025CAD Opinion Stay of Execution vacated, conviction of sentence of death affirmed. Details
09/23/1992 PA Supreme Court 0025CAD Notice of Appeal From Judgment entered on 9/14/92 Details
01/13/1992 PA Supreme Court 122EAP83 Disposition of Motion to Stay Execution Stay granted and matter remanded to the C..C.P. of Phila. County pursuant to the P.C.R.A. for appointment of counsel and hearing for consideration of the torture issue under Commonwealth v. Caldwell. Details
01/10/1992 PA Supreme Court 112EAP83 Motion for Stay of Execution filed. Details
10/21/1986 PA Supreme Court 112EAP83 Opinion Sentence of death affirmed. By: Papadakos, J. Details
11/09/1983 PA Supreme Court 112EAP83 Notice of Appeal from the Judgment of Sentence entered on 11/2/83, docketed. Details
01/31/1983 Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas CP 8102-2283 1/1 Imposition of Capital Sentence Details