Case History: Pirela, Simon
Indictment #8301-2143-2145
Page last updated at Jul 26 2024 11:00 PM
Date Court Docket # Event Description
10/01/2013 U.S. EDPA 90-CV-5013-JHS Order/Opinion Regarding Petition for Habeas Corpus Third Amended Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus is Denied, Certificate of Appealability will not issue Details
06/08/2004 PA Supreme Court 448 CAP Notice of Appeal from the Order entered on 04/30/2004, docketed. (Commonwealth's Appeal) Details
05/28/2004 Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas CP 8301-2143 1/1 Notice of Appeal DA filed Appeal Details
06/19/2003 U.S. EDPA 90-CV-5013-JG Petition For Habeas Corpus Second Amended Details
03/29/2000 U.S. EDPA 90-CV-5013-JG Petition For Habeas Corpus Amended Details
06/10/1999 PA Supreme Court 0096CAD Motion for Extension of Time to File Certiorari Granted until 8/13/99 by the U.S.S.C. Details
03/31/1999 PA Supreme Court 0096CAD Order Regarding Motion for Reargument Denied Details
03/03/1999 PA Supreme Court 0096CAD Motion for Reargument Filed Details
02/16/1999 PA Supreme Court 0096CAD Opinion Affirmed Details
03/03/1995 PA Supreme Court 0096CAD Notice of Appeal from the Order entered on 1/25/95 denying PCRA relief, docketed Details
08/03/1990 U.S. EDPA 90-CV-5013-JG Order Regarding Stay of Execution pending full briefing and disposition of Plff's Habeas Corpus petition. Details
07/31/1990 U.S. EDPA 90-CV-5013-JG Petition For Habeas Corpus Details
03/21/1986 PA Supreme Court 0053 EAP 1984 Opinion Judgment of sentence affirmed. Details
04/03/1984 PA Supreme Court 0053 EAP 2984 Notice of Appeal from Judgment of Sentence entered 03/12/84, docketed Details